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Florida Divinity University
Registered with the Florida Department of Education. Section: 1005 (1) (f), Florida Statutes for Religious Institutions
Established in 1997
incorporated in the Florida Department of State
Member accredited by the Florida Council of Privates College. (FCPC)
Orlando, Florida

1. El Canon Bíblico
2. Patrología
3. Teología propia lll
4. Cristología ll
5. Cosmovisión y Post modernidad (Videos de Schaeffer)
6. La Reforma Protestante
7. Griego Bíblico
8. Exégesis Bíblica
9. Hebreo Bíblico
10. Pentateuco l
11. Pentateuco ll
12. Hermenéutica avanzada. (Electiva)
13. Análisis documental. (Hus, Smith, Lutero, Etc.) Electiva
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